Meaningful Use - Drill Down to Numerator * NEW FOR 4.54*

Meaningful Use - Drill Down to Numerator * NEW FOR 4.54*

The Automated Measure Calculations reports offer new enhancements.  You may now select to Remember Search the new time you visit this window.  Additionally, users who track Meaningful Use numbers with the appropriate permissions can use the Detailed Report feature to "drill down" into their practice's Meaningful Use numbers to see which patient's were counted, and which ones were not.  Demo Video

At the next window, right-click and select "Drill Down" or double-click to select the measure.  

The next window provides you with indicators showing patients that were included (green check) and patients that were not included (red X).  Right-click to view the patients chart.  Use the Refresh icon if someone else is updating the patient's chart.